Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hi everyone

Hi everyone, I get so busy posting the kids blogs I never bother to do any entries myself!
We are having a wonderful time so far on our holiday. Everyday is a new adventure, and I am LOVING warm weather!
Hope everyone is happy and well at home.
HI everyone at work! Note I am considering a new career as a travel writer but only in the warm climates - but I haven't found anyone willing to pay me yet!
HI to all our family and friends- especially Mum and Buster, Terry, and Lissa & Lui who are looking after everything at home.
Hi to Lynda and family in chilly Canberra - I found a racecourse with grass on it in NT! (its only used once a year)
HI to the MELs in Queensland - yes all three of you!
We are at Kununnara and heading off to Broome via the BungleBungles tomorrow. We did a small trip out the Gibb river road to ElQuestro but NO WAY are we taking the Winnie 600k on that road! Today we went on a cruise on Lake Argyle it is massive. Everything up here is amazing and there is so much to see and do everywhere we go.
Thanks for following the blog. We shall add stuff when we get internet connection again.
Take care everyone Lots of Love XXXX Deb.

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