Sunday, July 4, 2010

DAY 44-45 JUNE 29-30

DAY 44-JUNE 29TH Today we are camping in National Park campground where tonight me and Adam will be sleeping in the tent. It is very hot up here and there a quite a lot of insects. At night we watched the stars and we spotted 4 satellites and 3 shooting stars. Also before we went to bed we went for a little nighttime bushwalk and we saw 3 little what we think was cane toads.
DAY 45-JUNE 30TH On Wednesday we had crossed the border from Northern Territory to Western Australia and now we have turned our clocks 1 1/2 hours back
(2 hours if you are down in Victoria). We decided to stay at a 5 star resort in Kununnara. Later that day we rode our bikes around and we went for a swim in the pool. Kilometres 6192.

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