Sunday, July 25, 2010

Broome Kayaking

Hi everyone, alls good here in Broome, weather is lovely!
Highlights of the past week were: Brock's Birthday - 11 wow!, Visiting the Snell's aboard their fantastic Cat "Kiella" and the kayaking from Cable Beach.

We caught up with the George, Wrigley, Davidson & Wallis families last Sunday evening on Cable Beach (it is a weekly event - Sunday bbq & drinks on the beach), and we also had the pleasure of having Jen's son Dale take us on the Kayak tour (see pic for you Jen). It was a lot of fun!

We have loved staying here but will probably move on next week and start heading South - next stop Barn Hill! The boys went to Speedway tonight so I have had the camper to myself for a few hours.
Hope all is good at home, Sad news about Geoff's mum though. Everyone take care... Love from Deb. XXX

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deb & Dean, glad to hear you really like Broome, plenty of things to see and do, that pearl looks lovely on you Deb. All is good here, the daphne is in full bloom and smells beautiful inside the house. Dean we are getting 2 eggs a day from the white beauty hens, delicious. Buster is happy and HAS'NT put on weight!! We both send our love, enjoy the rest of your travels x Mum & Buster
