Sunday, July 25, 2010

Broome Lego & Kayaking

Day 67. Today we went to the Target toy sale in the morning. I bought a lego city airport and mum bought me a world racers set for my birthday (for in two months time). Then we went to the kayaking. Dad and me saw a turtle then we paddled over to the turtle beach and went in some caves. (had afternoon tea there as well). Then we paddled off and saw a whale on the horizon. Then headed back to the beach. Our tour guide was called Dale. Dale was a good guy. I liked kayaking.

Broome Kayaking

Hi everyone, alls good here in Broome, weather is lovely!
Highlights of the past week were: Brock's Birthday - 11 wow!, Visiting the Snell's aboard their fantastic Cat "Kiella" and the kayaking from Cable Beach.

We caught up with the George, Wrigley, Davidson & Wallis families last Sunday evening on Cable Beach (it is a weekly event - Sunday bbq & drinks on the beach), and we also had the pleasure of having Jen's son Dale take us on the Kayak tour (see pic for you Jen). It was a lot of fun!

We have loved staying here but will probably move on next week and start heading South - next stop Barn Hill! The boys went to Speedway tonight so I have had the camper to myself for a few hours.
Hope all is good at home, Sad news about Geoff's mum though. Everyone take care... Love from Deb. XXX

DAY 67 - JULY 22nd

Today in the morning we went to the Target toy sale and I bought a Lego Agents helicopter and Adam got a Lego City Airport. When we got home we started to construct our legos but then we had to go because we had booked a kayaking tour.
On the kayaking tour we saw only a single turtle on the way to a little beach area where we had afternoon tea. On the way back we didnt see any turtles but instead we saw a whale on the horizon surfacing and blowing. It was really fun.
When we got back we continued constructing our Lego until it was time for bed.

DAY 66 - JULY 21st

Today we did schoolwork in the morning again but in the afternoon we went down to the beach and made a sand fort for our lego men. We dug a channel to the edge of the water to get some water in our river around our fort, but as the tide came in it started to flood the fort so we had to make the walls bigger. But then a really big wave came and flooded our fort underwater. Luckily our lego people had evacuated. After our fort was demolished we decided to have a surf.


Day 66. On wednesday we finished reading the Fear Street first book. Then we went to beach with our boogy boards. We made a fort sandcastle our lego men. It got washed away with the waves. We saved our lego men.


Day 65. On Tuesday we had schoolwork in the morning. In the afternoon our next door neighbor John took us out in his boat to visit Kiella the Catamaran (boat with two hulls) Kiella is Elaine and Ians boat. They are from our area at home. The boat is awesome and massive. John took us home before dark. Mum and me read a scary story 'ghosts of fear street - hide and shriek'.

DAY 65 - JULY 20th

This morning we started off with some schoolwork such as mental maths, soundwaves and signpost maths and blog. After lunch our neighbor John took us out in his boat. We visited Ian & Elaine on the boat called Kiella. They are travelling around Australia in the Kiella boat which they made themselves. It was a very nice boat, but we had to leave because we had to travel home before sunset.

Ian & Elaine have a blog about their voyage: it is

DAY 64 - JULY 19th

Today in the morning we went into town and did the pearl luggers tour. We got to see how the divers worked in the olden days. And how they would use pearl
shell for example buttons, badges, and jewellry. One in three divers would not survive their first ever dive. After the tour we went into town and had a
look at some of the shops. That evening before sunset we went down to the beach and played soccer with Adam's soccer ball (Wilson) and my Wahu water ball.

DAY 63 - JULY 18th

Today in the morning we went to Sportspower and mum kindly bought me a wahu water ball. Later that day we went down to the skate park and had a lot of fun
and then we went to the pool next door and I used my floaty water seat. In the afternoon we went to the beach and had a swim we also had dinner on the
beach with the George, Davidson, Wallis & Wrigley families. When we got back from the beach after dinner me and Adam watched Jurassic Park until 11pm.

DAY 62-JULY 17th

Today is my 11th Birthday! this morning I got a lego plane, a new scooter, a floaty water chair,a home made voucher for a dvd and some chocolate. Later that day we went to the skate park and I tested out my new scooter. After that we went to Mcdonalds for lunch and I had a cheeseburger, chips, a frozen coke and a donut. Later on we went to the dvd shop and I used my voucher to by a Jurassic park 3 dvd pack. Later on back at the camper we had cake and then
me and Adam watched my new dvd. That night we invited some friends down and we played our video of our flight with John. I had a very very very great birthday.

Pearl Luggers Broome

Day 64. Today (Monday) we went into town and did the Pearl Luggers tour. We got to see the history of pearl shell harvesting. They harvest the shells by using a huge and heavy diving suit. In the olden days one out of three divers died on their first ever dive. I got to try on a pearl that was worth $50000!Then we went window shopping and headed back to camp. In the evening we went to the beach and played soccer before dinner. The temperature is 31 degrees in the day and around 20 degrees in the evening.


Day 62. On Saturday it was Brock's Birthday 11th birthday. He got a few presents including a heap of Lego. We went to the skate park and Brock tried out his new scooter. We had lunch then we had cake. We watched Brocks dvd Jurassic Park.
Day 63. On Sunday July 18th we went to Sportspower and bought Brock a wahoo waterball. I got a splash rider. Then we went to the skate park, then to the Broome Pool. Then we played with new toys and I brought Wilson to the pool with me. In the afternoon we went to the beach for a swim and for some dinner.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Willie Creek Pearl Farm

Day 60. On Thursday we went to Willie Creek Pearl Farm which is 38 km from Broome. On the tour we saw some oysters which are what they use to make pearls. We played on the boat they had in the playground and then we had a picnic lunch. Then we had some lemonade cordial. Then we went on a boat cruise to see where they farm the oysters which grow pearls and to see if the oysters are sick or not. Then we went into a tributory of the river looking for the crocodile. After the boat tour we went to the showroom and learnt how to value and care for real pearls. The quality of a valuable pearl are: color, shape, size, lustre (shine) and complexion (smoothness).
Day 61. On Friday we hanged around the camp for the whole day. Then we baked a cake for Brocks birthday. We went grocery shopping in the morning.

DAY 60-61 JULY 15-16

DAY 60-JULY 15th today we went to the willie creek pearl farm and went on a 2 hour tour to see how pearls were formed, how to care for your pearls and we also went on a boat tour to see where pearls are formed. i had a very great time learning about pearls.
DAY 61-JULY 16th today we didn't do very much but mum and Adam made a cake for my birthday. later that day we went grocery shopping.

DAY 58-59 JULY 13-14

Day 58- July 13th Today in the morning we did some school work then went for a ride around the camp. Later that day, Me adam and mum went down to the beach. Therefore the waves were fairly big (for broome). That night we had another bbq dinner on the beach with our neighbor John and Carol and two other couples.
Day 59- July 14th Today in the morning when we went for a ride around the caravan park me and Adam made some racetracks. In the afternoon we went into town to the library and I borrowed the extreme adventures scorpion sting and we also got diary of a wimpy kid. After that we went to McDonalds and had a little snack. When we got back home we played and read our books.

Day 57- July 12th

Today we went on a flight in Cessna 172 to the horizontal falls we got some really good photos and the views were absolutely spectacular. Halfway through the flight we landed and stopped off to have some lunch (at cape levique), and on the side of the runway strip there was on old brokendown plane similar to ours. After we had lunch we went for a swim at the beach there and it was not good because there was lots of rocks in the water you couldnt see. After our swim we went back to the plane and headed back to the airport. Our pilot (who is also our neighbor at the caravan park) was a very good pilot.

Friday, July 23, 2010

DAY 53-56 JULY 7-11

DAY 53-JULY 7th in the morning it rained a bit but it calmed down later. in the afternoon we went to Cable beach and went for a surf. later on that day we just relaxed.
DAY 54-JULY 8th today we went shopping in the morning and me and Adam bought a lego f1 Vodafone Mclaren Mercedes set that cost us $80. when we got back we built the f1 car and the truck cab.
DAY 55-JULY 9th today in the morning we went to the market and I got a leather hat. when we got back we finished of our lego f1 set and then played for a while. that evening we went for a walk on the beach.
Day 56- July 11th Today we decided to Skype Terry (our pop) and say hello to all the family. That evening after lunch we went to the beach and had another surf. That night we had a barbeque dinner on the beach with some of our friends.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Day 58. On Tuesday we did our schoolwork in the morning and played around the camp. Then we went to the beach and it was a perfect day to boogy boarding. I catched a few waves.
Day 59. On wednesday July 14 we had schoolwork in the morning and we went to the library got some books then headed to McDonalds for a drink. The books that we got was: a lego guidebook, a book called a diary of a wimpy kid, and the RL Stine ghost of fear street. It was a really hot day.

Horizontal Falls / Cape Levique

Day 57. On Monday we went on a aeroplane ride. When we took off we flew up 3500ft high up at 200km an hour. Then we went up along the coast north then we headed east to the horizontal falls and the horizontal falls looked amazing. The tide waters squeeze inbetween the rocks making it a horizontal falls. After that we headed west and landed at Cape Levique. Then we had a picnic lunch and headed to the beach got changed and we had a not very nice swim because there were sharp big rocks and mum cut herself. Then we dried off and headed back to the plane. We took off and headed south back down to Broome over Cable beach and saw camels and our campsite. We landed when the sun was setting. The day was brilliant. John our pilot was our neighbor and very good at flying.


Day 53. Today we went to Cable Beach and played on our boogy boards all afternoon.
Day 54. Today it was rainy and we went to the shops. At target I bought my lego city smart car (actually called small car). It came with a person with rare clothes and a suitcase. Mum brought Brocks birthday present and a present for us to play with that day. It was an F1 vodafone team - which came with Lewis Hamilton (racecar driver) a pit crew, a truck and Hamilton's F1 car.That afternoon we made the F1 car and the truck cabin. That night we went for a walk along the beach. I took my tshirt off and run along the water. When we got home we called nanny marg on Skype.
Day 55. Today is July 10 and we started making the F1 car trailer. It was 53 steps until you had finished it. We finished it in the afternoon and we hooked it up to the truck cabin. And it looked fabulous.
Day 56. On Sunday we relaxed during the day. In the afternoon we spoke to Poppy Terry, Nanny Gwenda and the family on Skype. After lunch we went to the beach (Ganthaume Point) and played on our boogy boards. We had a bbq at night we met up with some people at cable beach.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 51 - 52 July 6 & 7

Day 51- July 6th This Morning when we were packing up it started to rain a lot but we eventually got on the road. Later that day we arrived at Broome where is took us a
long time to find a caravan park that could fit us in. After we set up we went for a look around the town. I think Broome is awesome.7375km
Day 52- July 7th Today we went to the visitor centre in the morning and then me and Adam went to Target and bought some Lego. I got the sports car and adam got the camper.
Later on that day we went on a hovercraft tour where on the beach we stopped and saw some dinosaur footprints on the rocks. I really enjoyed today. PS 10
days until my birthday.

Day 50-July 5th

On Monday we decided to camp at the Derby Kimberly entrance part which was right next to the mud flats that is flooded when its high tide. Later that day
we checked out the town and got a hair cut. 7138km.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

DAY 48-49 JULY 3-4

DAY 48-JULY 3rdToday we camping at Spring Creek near the turnoff to the Bungle Bungles. After we set up camp we went for a walk around the area and drove to another camp area where we saw a dried up river (the Ord River). There were quite a lot of birds, insects and some tiny fish in some small puddles of the riverbed. That night we had my favorite tortellini pasta and watched the stars. We saw 3 satellites and 5 shooting stars.
DAY 49-JULY 4th Today we stayed at the Ellendale Rest Area after travelling 509km for the day. At the rest area we rode our bikes around a lot we also collected a lot of firewood and that night we toasted marshmallows and had damper. We also played a game around the fire (remember the shopping game. (auto action, carrot, pepsi, diet coke, banana, flour, pat the dog, light, microscope, bought the dog, collar for dog, cat, machine gun, holden commodore ss, seats for the car, toilet paper).


Today we drove to the Lake Argyle village and caravan park to go on a tour to have a look at Lake Argyle which is the biggest lake in Australia. When it is full it can hold up to 31 Sydney Harbours. Before we left we checked out the caravan parks infinity pool which looks like the water falls off the cliff face but it just falls off into a collection area. When we began our tour we saw the dam wall and we also saw a crocodile resting on the rocks near the dam wall. Later into the tour we saw some more crocodiles, lots of birdlife and we also saw a couple of rock wallabies. After the tour we had lunch on the opposite side of the dam wall where we saw one more freshwater crocodile (he was underwater).


Day 51. On Tuesday we went to Broome the km = up to 7375km. When we got to Broome we went to explore. It is awesome. We saw Gantheaume Point where there is heaps of rocks. We also saw the ship port and we also saw Cable Beach. It is amazing.

Day 52. On Wednesday we went to the Visitor Centre. Then we went to Target and found the mother of all Lego! I bought a Lego city camper and Brock bought a Lego city sport car. Then we went to the hovercraft base and we got to have a ride in one. In the hovercraft we went past the town beach and at red cliffs we stopped and saw dinosaur footprints. In the afternoon we played Lego.


Day 50. On Monday we went to check out the jetty when we got to Derby. It was a rainy day at Derby so we stayed inside. In the afternoon we got a haircut.

Ellendale rest area

Day 49. (Sunday 4th July) On Sunday we left Spring Creek Rest Area and travelled 509 km for the day. Our total km is 6959. First we stopped at Halls Creek for fuel and I got a Top Gear Magazine. Then we travelled to Mary Pool and stopped for lunch. We saw a bull and the bull was big and brown. But we werent allowed to feed him. After lunch we had to run our energy off and mum Brock and me raced Dad across a little bridge. Since I was so far ahead I stopped at the middle of bridge and said hi to a man and also looked at the fish then I carried on racing. I came first, Brock came second , Dad came third (dad was driving the winnebago) and sadly mum came last!After lunch we drove on to the rest area called Ellendale in between Fitzroy Crossing and Derby. At the rest area I rode my bike because I made up my own race track and I rode 14 laps around and I did some massive skids. Then we collected firewood and Brock and me found our toasting sticks and we used them for pretend bow and arrows. I won the battle. Then we had dinner and then we got torches and went down to the campfire. We cooked marshmallows at the campfire and we cooked damper around the fire with some friends we met. Then after the campfire we were going to play bows & arrows but dad said we couldnt so then we read some books and went to sleep.

Spring Creek Rest Area / Bungle Bungles

Day 48. On Saturday we left Kununnara and drove 258km to the Spring creek Rest Area which is near Bungle Bungles. We drove in there but it was too rough to go the whole way because we only had one spare tyre.We set up our camp and went for a walk around the park and down to the river area. Brock and me brought our lego down there and played with it because we were the ant patrol trying to stop the ant highways (the ant highways are ant tracks).We drove our car to another rest area and then we went for a walk across the huge huge Ord River while I was eating an orange. Then we climbed onto the road the road was closed. We went back to camp then we watched the stars after dinner. Then mum let us watch one episode of Top Gear the challenges 3. Total km travelled 6450.

Kununnara / Lake Argyle

Day 47. On Friday we went to Lake Argyle and had a boat tour on it. There was crocodiles in lake argyle and we saw many crocodiles. Morning tea was served on the boat and it was delicious I loved it. We got to have Coke for morning tea. Lake Argyle was the biggest man mad lake in Australia and I think you can see it from outer space. It can fill 18 Sydney harbours at the moment. It is 90 km long.After the cruise we showed dad the infinity pool (at the Lake Argyle Village) which is a pool that goes straight off the edge. We had lunch near a huge wall called a dam wall cars drove across the top of the dam wall. The dam wall was built to build lake argyle from the Ord River. It also has a power station which makes power from water rushing through it called hydro power. After that we went to the Argyle homestead museum then we drove back to Kununnara. Later we wanted to go shopping but there was no cool lego for me to spend my money on so we are saving our money for Broome.