Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Nyah (near Swan Hill)

We're at Nyah near Swan Hill this morning. We have just woken up in the morning and had some jokes. I've been riding my bike and scooter and it is very fun. We saw Ebony at Maryborough. She rides horses and I fed the pony a carrot twice and the big horse once. The big horses name was Ned. The dogs names were Lucy and Zac. Lucy was the black one, and Zac was the orange one.


  1. Hi Adam Love your Blog Did you stay at Nyah sports ground last night? We stayed down on the river but had trouble getting out (it rained),so I don't think the Winnie would enjoy it. Keep up the good work I love to travel by Blog From Jen (from the A team )

  2. 2LC and Miss ColahanMay 20, 2010 at 12:59 PM

    Hi Adam,
    How's the holiday so far?
    We hope you are having a great time!
    Where are you going next?
    At school we have been learning about time and calendars in maths. We have also been writing reports on what we have been doing in Investigations. In Investigations, the people making the cubby have started to put the roof on. Also, Harvey has had his plaster taken off and is now off crutches.
    Hope to hear from you soon. We really enjoyed reading your blog.
    From 2LC, Miss Colahan and Mrs Wright.

  3. He guys; the Phoenix group is watching with interest :-)
    Have a great time away; well deserved.
