Sunday, May 30, 2010

Curtin Springs, The Olgas (Kata Tjuta)

Day 12.We went back to Ayers Rock, took a few pictures and went to the Olgas. We had a picnic lunch then we walked atoung the Olgas. It was a long, long walk (9.6km). We did some rock climbing on the walk, we saw some streams, a lizard and a red cricket, a lot of birds.Back at the camp we saw some kids playing so we asked them if we could play. Well we just started playing naturally, and we played wars. We won the battle then we went back to the camp. Dad had started a fire. Then we started cooking marshmallows. We offered the kids some marshmallows.The kids names were Charlie and Lewis. Lewis was the boy and Charlie was the girl.

1 comment:

  1. 2LC and Miss ColahanJune 1, 2010 at 1:52 PM

    Hi Adam,

    Sorry we haven't replied to your blog for a few days! We have been very busy!

    Your trip sounds fantastic! We are very jealous!! That is big walk you went on the other day.

    At school we have been working on our narratives. We have come up with some pretty terrific stories. We have also been doing some great things in investigations. Today, Lani, Louise, Harvey and Royce made everyone gluten free rumballs (without the rum of course!).

    Luke's mum had her baby last week. She had a little girl and her name is Kaila Anne.

    It's also Jayden's birthday this Sunday and Lani's on Monday.

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    :-) From 2LC and Miss Colahan
