Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Gwenda

Happy Birthday Mum. Lots of Love from Dean.
(and Deb, Brock & Adam ) XXXXXXX


  1. Hi Deb, Dean, Brock and Adam, i'm really enjoying travelling with you on your blog, you are going to lots of interesting places and learning heaps. Are you taking any movies? No problems at home. Buster an I send our love xMum (nanny Marg)

  2. Hi guys,

    We enjoy reading your blog everyday!! Brock and Adam, you are writing some great stories... Everything just the same at home, gave buster a cuddle yesterday. checked in with nanny Marg. Deb, Henriettas burnt down last night, just terrible...
    Take care and love to all, Lissa XXXX
