Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Goodbye Hoi An, Hello Saigon

Yesterday we said goodbye to our lovely resort and were transferred to DaNang for our flight to Ho Chi Minh City. DaNang area has a lot of development going on, heaps of beachside resorts being built (including one endorsed by Greg Norman). DaNang airport is clean and modern, and a favorite place for the mig 21's to fly. Boys very excited saw and heard at least 10 take off in the time we were there.
Our flight was only an hour, before we new it we were in Ho Chi Minh City. Lots of traffic but roads wider so doesn't seem as frantic as Hanoi. In the afternoon we went for a small walk around surrounding streets but it was so very hot that we just found a place for the boys to swim for a while.
We are staying in an historic hotel, the Continental, been a hotel since 1880 -In the 1400's it was a palace!
The architecture is gorgeous, we had a beautiful dinner in the French restaurant downstairs last night.
Even at night it's a warm 25 degrees, but quite pleasant for an evening stroll to walk off dinner. We are right in the centre of the city so plenty of shops, eateries, bars open late.

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