Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Downtown Hanoi copy centre

Ironically our hotel is surrounded by stationery shops, however they bear little resemblance to home!
For our first full day in Hanoi we visited the Dong Xuan markets observing busy busy hundreds of stalls - clothes, shoes, bags, small electrical, food/pets (not sure which!) live turtles fish chickens, dried fish & mushrooms, fresh fruit & veg,groceries, drinks. Didn't get hassled much apart from when we got lost walking home and ended up buying souvenirs from women who gave us directions.
The boys bought their dr. Dre headphones so they were stoked.
In the afternoon we visited the Hoa Lo prison. Absolutely awful history of mistreated prisoners, torture and death. The guillotine turned our stomachs. Originally run by French colonists, later on prisoners were treated better when it was used by vietnamese to detain prisoners of war.
After the prison visit we spent some more time exploring the french quarter which then headed back to our hotel in the old quarter.
We dined out at highway 4 with Travis and family also with a couple of his staff & mates. The drinks were flowing along with the stories, great food dishes of beef veggies chicken tofu and fried crickets which Tracey convinced me to try - they tasted alright! The wine was fruit liqueur, I sampled mango, passionfruit and apple & plum, quite sweet but delicious. We thank Trav for his hospitality and his great choice of restaurant.

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