Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Day 27 On Saturday we stayed at the Big 4 Low Level Caravan Park. We saw a BIG BIG crocodile when we went for a bike ride into town. It was 6 km each way. We relaxed when we got back from our bike ride. We met our friend Max the music man.

Day 28 On Sunday we went to the Katherine Gorge in Nitmiluk National Park. The views were good as. We went for a bushwalk to see the gorge. We also went to the Katherine museum. We saw a movie where we saw that in 1998 there were floods that were 20 metres deep. At night we went to the Springvale Homestead Croc Spot Tour. We saw a few crocodiles. When we got to our dinner camp we saw 2 crocs. Their names were MOUSE and APPRENTICE. The Apprentice was the small one and mouse was the big one. When mouse (the crocodile) got there we found out that he was 3 metres long. The apprentice (smaller crocodile) was the first one there then when mouse got there he scared the apprentice away, but then he came back.We got to feed them 3 feet away. It was fun as. We saw catfish and turtles as well. They called the crocodile mouse because he is so quiet.

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