Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 38 - June 23rd

On Wednesday June 23rd we left Darwin and on the way to Corroboree Park we stopped at Humpty Doo. We went to the newsagents and to the Grumpy Bakery where we had lunch. (Dad says Humpty Doo got its name from what Humpty Dumpty did in the middle of the road!) Also on the way Corroboree Park we stopped at the Original Jumping Crocodile Cruise. We saw lots of crododile jumping out of the water to get to the meat that was on the end of a rod. We also spent one hour at the Window on the Wetlands info centre before the croc cruise. Then we finally reached Corroboree Park where we went for a swim and played with Liam and Bryce from Queensland.

Day 37 - June 22nd

Today we went with Mum to the Palmerston shops to buy some supplies and Me and Adam used some of our pocket money to buy a Lego Formula One car. When we got back to the camper we made our lego cars and played with them a lot. After we had finished playing with them we went for a swim in the pool and we also had some pub squash and cookies.

Day 36 - June 21st

Today we went to Crocosaurus cove and while we were there we saw heaps of reptiles and we also got to feed some baby crocodiles with a rod. Then we swam in a tank next to baby crocodiles tank where we saw about 120 crocodiles. After our swim we went and saw some people go in the Cage of Death which , in a tank. This is where you are in a type of perspex and metal cage which is lowered into the big saltwater crocodiles tank. Then we saw a huge crocodile called Harry and we also saw a crocodile called Bruce who starred in the first Crocodile Dundee film. When we got back to the camper we went for a swim as usual.

Day 34 & Day 35- June 19th & June 20th

On Saturday we went to the V8 supercars again and In the afternoon we had another swim at the caravan park. After that we went back to the V8 supercars and saw Mark Winterbottom win the race. On Sunday went to the V8 supercar races at Hidden Valley again. We got Jamie Whincup & Craig Lowndes autograph in the morning. We had a look through the D'Alberto pit and race transporter - it was very cool because we got to have a look inside the racecar and inside the truck. Al explained some of the technical stuff he had. In the sunday race Jamie Whincup won the race and in the afternoon we had a swim (once again).Then we went to the Mindil markets and had dinner there (I ate croc on a skewer from the Roadkill cafe!). Also there was a very lovely sunset that night at the market.

Corroboree Park and Humpty Doo

Corroboree Park and Humpty Doo area Day 38.
On Wednesday We left Darwin and pulled up at Humpty Doo to have some lunch and to look at the shops. We had lunch at a place called the Grumpy Baker. My lunch was delicious. Then we went to the Jumping Crocodile Cruise. We saw lots of crocodiles and they jumped very high. Some crocodiles can jump as high as they are in length. we also saw a black kite (bird) and some eagles. We also went to the Window on the Wetlands.It was an interactive information centre. We saw all types of animals that live in the Kakadu wetlands like turtles, crocodiles, bats, mudskippers, millions and millions of birds. We travelled a short way to corroboree park tavern and camp ground and had a swim in the pool that they have. It was so fun I met new friends - Bryce & Liam. We are staying for 2 nights.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Crocosaurus cove Darwin

Day 36
Today we went to the Crocosaurus cove in Darwin city and had a swim with some crocodiles - well not exactly - what we did was Brock and Me swam in a pool and the crocodile was the on the other side of the glass and we could see the crocodiles and they could see us!! We fed some crocodiles and saw a huge saltwater crocodile at the glass case looking at us (he was called Harry). We saw heaps of snakes and lizards and I got to hold a lizard. I forgot its name.
Day 37
On Tuesday we went shopping with Mum for supplies and Brock and Me used some of our pocketmoney to buy MegaBloks (Lego) F1 cars which are very very very cool. Brock & I wanted to buy a lego motorhome but we would have spent too much money. Then we also went for a swim in the pool and I had lots of fun. We drank pub squash and ate cookies.


Day 34
On Saturday we went to the V8 supercars we sat in the shade and watched of the race and V8 supercar driver Mark Winterbottom won the race and Jamie Whincup came second (I go for Jamie Whincup). We left early because I had a rash on my shoulder - we had a swim in the afternoon and then came back to watch the main race.
Day 35
On Sunday we went to the V8 supercars for the last time. In the morning I got Jamie Whincup and Craig Lowndes to sign my T shirt and also my ball (Wilson). We went to the pits and went inside D'Alberto's transporter and got some information about the car. Al D'Alberto was a really nice man to show us his racing team.Then we saw Jamie Whincup win first place in the second V8 race for the weekend. In the afternoon we had a swim then we went to the Mindil Night Market and had dinner there. We went to the glasses stand and I bought a pair of sunglasses. We also bought some souvenirs as well. We also played lasertag and we got heavy guns, headbands with lights on them and we had lots of fun.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hello to everyone in 2LC

Hi everybody in 2LC I can't really answer all your questions because there is so many and I'm so glad you are following me on my adventure.
We are leaving Darwin today and going to Kakadu National Park.
I hope everyone has good investigations and I hope you have a very good school holidays.
From Adam :)

Monday, June 21, 2010


Darwin - Hidden Valley
Day 31 On Wednesday we left early in the morning it was 6.30am we travelled to Darwin and we put the Winnebago in for service. Then we went into the city of Darwin for breakfast at McDonalds. We looked at some shops and we spent most of the afternoon at the wavepool. We had so much fun at the wavepool and I nearly got dumped by a wave. Then we went to the caravan park where we are staying at. It is called the Hidden Valley Tourist Park. The caravan had a crocodile talk and we went to it. We got to hold a baby freshwater crocodile. It had so much fun that day.

Darwin - Mindil Market, & Crocodylus Park
Day 32 On Thursday we went to Crocodylus Park and saw over 15000 crocodiles! Most were freshwater but some were saltwater. We went on a tour - the guide said that freshwater crocodiles run faster than saltwater crocodiles. Saltwater crocodiles are more dangerous than freshwater crocodiles. We also saw some lions,
some sea turtles, some monkeys and lots more animals. I was the only on that saw the tiger. I got to feed one of the biggest saltwater crocodiles. The crocodylus park isnt just a park for tourists it is also a farm as well. They feed crocodiles to make them grow then sell their meat and skins.We saw the V8 supercar trucks leaving for a convoy into town. Then we had lunch and had a swim. Then nearly at night we went to the V8 supercar driver signing and some V8 supercar drivers signed Wilson. I missed out on Jamie Whincup because we left before we got to the front of the queue and that made me quite sad. We went to the Mindil Market beside the beach at night. It was awesome. We saw a fire juggling act and that was awesome as well. We had dinner
at the market.

Darwin - V8 Supercars
Day 33 On Friday (June 18th) we went to the V8 supercars we saw v8 supercar drivers, we saw formula fords, old HQ's and lots more. It was very hot at the track- It was 31 degrees in winter! Then mum picked us up and we went back and had a swim. Dad and his friend Tony stayed there. Later we picked them up. We rode our bikes around the park and had a rest.

Day 31 - 33: June 16th - 18th

Day 31 - June 16th
This morning we left early at 6.30am to travel to Darwin. When we arrived at Darwin we got our Winnebago motorhome serviced so for the rest of the day we had to use our car. We into the city and had McDonalds for breakfast and after breaky we looked at some shops and then went to the Wave Pool, It was massive, and it was like being at a real beach. At the wave pool we went boogyboarding and when they switched off the waves for 10 minutes we relaxed on the floating donuts. After 4 hours at the wave pool we went back to pick up our motorhome then stayed at the Hidden Valley Tourist Park where we are staying a week. Before dinner we went to a Crocodile display talk and we got to hold a baby freshwater crocodile. (The baby crocodile didnt have a name so we voted to call it Nigel which Dad suggested. Total kilometres: 5096!

Day 32 - June 17th

Today in the morning we went to Crocodylus park, where we didnt just see a lot of crocodiles, we saw Cassowaries, Lions, Turtles, a Tiger, Emus, Ostriches and snakes. After we came back from Crocodylus Park we rode to the Hidden Valley racetrack and saw the V8 truck transporters. At 5 o'clock saw the V8 driver signing near SkyCity Casino, and got about 12 autographs. After we got the autographs we went to the market and I bought some new sunglasses. and me and Adam both got a paint tattoo.

Day 33 - June 18th
Today we went to the V8 Supercar racetrack to see their Friday practice session, there was also touring cars, old HQ's and the V8 utes. After we saw the practice session we went back to the tourist park and had a swim. It is very hot up here - it is about 32 degrees every day (and it's winter!).

Thursday, June 17, 2010

DAY 30-JUNE 15th

Today we went for a bike ride into town and we saw the war cemetary at Adelaide river, it was very big, over 400 people were buired at the cemetary. After that we went to a hotel with Charlie the buffalo from the crocodile dundee movie. Later that day we went to the litchfeild national park were we had a swim at Florence falls, when we got back to the car we went on a 4wd of roading trip to the lost city which is a bunch of alot of grey rocks that looks like a lost city, on the way back we think we ran over a snake so we backed up the car and ran over it again and the snake was really angry he had his head held up and he had a black head and orange & black strips on his body. (we think he was a tiger snake).

Hi to 2LC

Hi to everyone in 2LC. I was wondering how you are going?
Just wondering if Ryan is back?
I have been doing a bit of school work like Soundwaves & spelling, and my blog writing most days. I have been taking lots of photos and doing lots of excursions to interesting places. It is so hot here in Darwin that in Winter it is 31 degrees during the day. I imagine it in Summer!
from Adam :)

Adelaide River & Litchfield National Park

Day 30. On Tuesday we went for a bike ride to explore Adelaide River. We saw the War Cemetery it had over 430 buried soldiers that were from World War 2 Darwin bombings by the Japanese. There is only one General Store in Adelaide River but it has lots and lots of stuff in it. After our bike ride we went to the Litchfield National Park. First we saw some Termite Mounds which were huge and over 2 metres tall. Then we drove a little way and parked and walked to Florence Falls. They are huge waterfalls with a huge waterhole at the bottom. We swam over to the masssive waterfalls and went under them. It was a bit hard to do it. We snorkelling and saw heaps and heaps of black and grey fish. After swimming at Florence Falls we had a picnic lunch. After the picnic Brock and me swam in the little stream. Later in the day we went for a 4 Wheel Drive to the Lost City Stones, which was 10Km of 4 wheel driving each way.On the way back we saw a snake which was around about 2 metres long. When we got back to Adelaide River we saw Todd & Rick Kelly's V8 supercar transporter. It was awesome.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Edith Falls & Adelaide River

Day 29 This morning I was happy that F1 driver Lewis Hamilton won first place in the Canadian Grand Prix. Today we went to Edith Falls in Nitmiluk National Park after leaving Katherine. Dad rode his bike while me, Mum & Brock did a bush walk. The walk led us up to the top of the Gorge to a waterfall. At the bottom of the waterfall is a lake where you can swim in. We had a swim. We had a walk down where we had views of other waterfalls. At the bottom there was another lake where you can swim. The water was cool but the weather was 31 degrees. We travelled to Adelaide River and we stayed at the Adelaide River Showgrounds. Then we met up with Tony & Gloria McHarg and had dinner (BBQ) with them. After dinner Brock and me rode our bikes around the caravan park. We had a swim before dinner.


Day 27 On Saturday we stayed at the Big 4 Low Level Caravan Park. We saw a BIG BIG crocodile when we went for a bike ride into town. It was 6 km each way. We relaxed when we got back from our bike ride. We met our friend Max the music man.

Day 28 On Sunday we went to the Katherine Gorge in Nitmiluk National Park. The views were good as. We went for a bushwalk to see the gorge. We also went to the Katherine museum. We saw a movie where we saw that in 1998 there were floods that were 20 metres deep. At night we went to the Springvale Homestead Croc Spot Tour. We saw a few crocodiles. When we got to our dinner camp we saw 2 crocs. Their names were MOUSE and APPRENTICE. The Apprentice was the small one and mouse was the big one. When mouse (the crocodile) got there we found out that he was 3 metres long. The apprentice (smaller crocodile) was the first one there then when mouse got there he scared the apprentice away, but then he came back.We got to feed them 3 feet away. It was fun as. We saw catfish and turtles as well. They called the crocodile mouse because he is so quiet.


Day 26. On Friday we went to Tudor Manor to see Barramundi feeding. I got to feed one of the barrumundis with a fishing line. They went BANG when they grabbed the fish. Brock got to have a go too. We got learn some information about Cane Toads and we got to hold one. We saw our camping friends - Will & Daisy, Lynae, Max & Mia in the hot springs with us. We went in the hot springs again and had a good as time - we went in there for about 3 hours. The weather was lovely and warm the temperature that day was 28 degrees. At night we had a campfire with Amanda & Stew, Lynae, Max & Mia.


Day 25. On Thursday we stayed at Homestead camp ground. We went for a bike ride and explored the area. We saw a small brown snake. We went to the hot springs and stayed there for over two hours. The hot springs were very warm they were 32 degrees.

Day 29 - June 14th

This morning we left Katherine and on the way to Adelaide River we pulled over at Edith Falls. While dad went for a ride on his bike, Mum, Adam and Me went for a swim at a little waterhole area right next to Edith Falls. After our swim we went for a bushwalk and on the way we stopped and had an icecream because it was 31 degrees.When we finished our icecreams we had got to the camper and had lunch. After luch we kept on driving and then we reached Adelaide River where we stayed at the Showgrounds and met our friends Tony & Gloria McHarg and had a BBQ dinner with them. Today I was sad that Mark Webber came fifth in his F1 race in the Canadian Grand Prix.

Day 28 - June 13th

This morning we went to Katherine Gorge which is a big river near Katherine. At Katherine Gorge we went for a bushwalk and saw some amazing views of the river. At the gorge we also saw a lot of BATS (which mum really hates). There were a lot of bats hanging in the trees.We also went to the Katherine Museum and saw a film about the 1998 floods which destroyed a lot of the town. When we got back to the camper Adam and I rode around on our bikes and had a swim. That night at 6.30 we went to the Springvale Homestead and went Croc-spottingOn the way we saw a couple of little crocodiles in the water with our torches. Then when we arrived at our dinner camp we saw a little croc called Apprentice we knew his name because the tour guide sees this croc a lot and gave him a name. Apprentice is about 1.2metres long and was about 18 years old. A couple of minutes later after we saw apprentice a 3 metre crocodile turned up called Mouse, they call him mouse because he is very quiet. After we had met Apprentice & Mouse the crocs we had steak & sausages for dinner and some billy tea prepared by our guide Neal. When we finished tea me and Adam were each given some pieces of meat and we both fed the crocodiles. We got very close (1 metre) away from the freshwater crocs. We also saw a bunch of turtles and catfish, they were swimming next to the crocs trying to get food but mouse & apprentice didn't really take any notice.