Sunday, April 15, 2012

War museum HCMC

War remnants museum HCMC

Crater from bomb blast

Another entry hole to tunnels

Down the hole

Nasty traps

Tank display- Cu chi

Cu chi tunnels

Brock could fit down one if the holes- I wouldnt even try!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Mekong delta

On Wednesday (11 April) we had a full on day visiting the Mekong delta area. Our journey took us 170km from Saigon on a 3 hour drive to the fertile lands of market gardens and busy river trade of the Mekong delta. We boarded a boat and spent 5 hours touring. We saw fruit & veg being traded from boat to boat, then cruised to an area where candy and fruit wine was made. A very labour intensive operation in all aspects, we saw the distillation process of the wine (25-30% liqueur). I sampled a couple of the fruit varieties whilst Dean was brave enough to drink the snake wine! There was coconut crisps, toffee and popped rice candy for tasting / purchasing as well. These guys don't waste a thing in the manufacturing process.
After 45 minutes on our boat, the next visit was lunch at a tearooms where once again we were served too many dishes and ate far more than normal. Then onto market gardens, heaps of fruit trees and more food! (Adam pictuured with jacfruit) Cruising back to our car we were amazed at how the massive river supports so many people.
Our car journey home involved taking in more of the scenery and lifestyles of the poorer side of the population in some areas.

Trade boats on Mekong delta

Market garden, fruit trees

Tea room Mekong delta village

Crispy fish, salad, rice paper, spring rolls

Trade on Mekong delta

Snakes in tank

Coconut paper crisp production

Snake wine

Candy making - coconut peanut toffee

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Goodbye Hoi An, Hello Saigon

Yesterday we said goodbye to our lovely resort and were transferred to DaNang for our flight to Ho Chi Minh City. DaNang area has a lot of development going on, heaps of beachside resorts being built (including one endorsed by Greg Norman). DaNang airport is clean and modern, and a favorite place for the mig 21's to fly. Boys very excited saw and heard at least 10 take off in the time we were there.
Our flight was only an hour, before we new it we were in Ho Chi Minh City. Lots of traffic but roads wider so doesn't seem as frantic as Hanoi. In the afternoon we went for a small walk around surrounding streets but it was so very hot that we just found a place for the boys to swim for a while.
We are staying in an historic hotel, the Continental, been a hotel since 1880 -In the 1400's it was a palace!
The architecture is gorgeous, we had a beautiful dinner in the French restaurant downstairs last night.
Even at night it's a warm 25 degrees, but quite pleasant for an evening stroll to walk off dinner. We are right in the centre of the city so plenty of shops, eateries, bars open late.

Beautiful decor of French restaurant in our hotel

Continental hotel Saigon

Opera house Ho Chi Minh City

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hoi An Bicycle tour & cooking class

I started yesterday with a jogging tour from the resort, I was the only person in the resort wanted to participate at 8.15 in the morning so it was like having a personal tour with Cu the rec. officer. Saw the beaches and town back streets - including couple of tame buffalo before breakfast. Mid morning the whole family did a bicycle tour through Hoi An and nearby villages. The boys spent the afternoon by the pool until the wind picked up. I booked in for Vietnamese cooking class, which I was able to choose an appetizer, main meal and side dish to learn how to cook. The chef was great and luckily the dishes I chose are within my capabilities to cook again when I return home.

My cooking class effort: chicken with lemongrass & asian vegetables

Vietnamese pancake served with salad greens & ricepaper

Fields near Hoi An growing rice, corn, peanut, advocado, banana & coconut.

Village waterway near Hoi An

Bike ride round Hoi An

Monday, April 9, 2012

Golden sands resort Hoi An

A restful day was had yesterday. Our resort is lovely - after workouts in the morning we had a big breakfast then chilled out at the pool. Weather is perfect - around 30! We are about 5km from Hoi An, in the afternoon we went into the town for lunch and look around. Boys bought t shirts and other souvenirs and we saw silk weaving. Back at the resort r & r in the games area, booked a tour for tomorrow.
Hi to family & friends, happy Easter - not a chocolate egg in sight here!

White rose for lunch, traditional Hoi An dish with shrimp / crab meat.

Boys with new shirts /hats souvenirs

See who can go higher!

Adam being launched!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hue motorcycle tour

We were slightly anxious about doing the 5 hour motorcycle tour, having observed the crazy and dangerous driving habits of the cars, trucks and bikes on the roads. We needn't have worried as our tour guide Tom (tam?) and his team took their time and made us feed quite safe. The city of Hue was preparing for it's biannual festival so we were treated to very decorative areas and even rehearsal of traditional music at the kings opera house. The tour was fabulous, we spent quite a bit of time inside the citadel (also known as the forbidden purple city) which has a perimeter of 11km and was built by the Nguyen dynasty to house and protect the kings, his wives and 112 children.
After the citadel we drove through little back streets out to country area to Tien Mu pagoda on the perfume river. We passed through villages and little areas of industry and farming. The boys were fascinated with tales of elephant and tiger fighting in the old coliseum. We purchased a few souvenirs from the villagers, we were also shown American bomb shelter on the banks of the perfume river.
The kings second summer palace and tomb were next, before a visit to a small Buddhist monastery where we were treated to a delicious vegan lunch. Our tour ended back at the hotel where we checked out and said goodbye to our drivers and Hue. In the afternoon we had a four hour journey to Hoi An via the Hai Van pass with spectacular scenery. Had a couple of stops along the way including China beach and a marble carving workshop.
Arrived at dusk at our resort very tired after a big day traveling and sightseeing.

China Beach, Danang

Scenery Hai Van pass

Buddhist monastery gates

Tomb in Hue

Lunch at Buddhist monastery - delicious

Old bomb shelter site on Perfume River

Incense drying by roadside

Kings Buddhist temple Hue

Gardens inside Imperial palace Hue

Imperial opera house citadel Hue

Elephant & golden dragon in citadel Hue

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Relaxing day in Hue

6 April: We were up at 4am in readiness for our transfer to airport at 4.40 - the driver was late but we still got there with plenty of time to make our 6.40 flight. We arrived in Hue an hour later and had the whole day to ourselves. Our rooms at the Asia hotel were massive and it's in a good location close by the perfume river. Hue is a very pretty city as there is parkland beside the river, and the place has a lovely relaxed feel. Even the traffic is less hectic. We strolled along the river and visited the markets and shops, heaps of merchandise on offer. The weather was warm & humid so we all felt a bit tired. In the afternoon the boys made use of the hotel pool whilst I had a massage and fabulous body treatment (320,000 VND / $16 for hour) Afterwards Dean had a massage too ( $10 /hour). After the pre dawn start we decided to grab an early dinner and were back at the hotel just after sunset.

Hue skyline

Boys chillin in Asia hotel pool Hue

Market stalls Hue

Well stocked bike shop