Wednesday, September 8, 2010

DAY 113 - SEPTEMBER 6th.

Today we went to the Whyalla Maritime Museum where we saw a lot of train sets and information about ship building in Whyalla. We also saw information about World War I and World War II. After that we went for a tour on the Whyalla ship where we saw how the people lived on the ship and it was very cramped inside. It would have also been very hard to work on the ship because the ship would tilt at a 40 degree angle each way because it had a flat underside. It was made as a mine sweeping ship. After lunch we set off and arrived at Mallala where we camped next to the footy oval. Then we went for a bike ride out of town to the
raceway and when we got back me and Adam rode our scooters on the tennis and basketball courts till dark. For dinner we had my favourite pasta.

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